The ambassador took a tour in the departments covered by the grant to see the quality of services there and in the hospital in general.

The general director of the King Abdullah University Hospital, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Ghazo, received the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Jordan, Josef Kotzky, and Mrs. Zuzana Benicová, Head of the Commercial and Economic Department at the Embassy and the representative from Linet and Experia.

The visit aims to present a grant from the Czech Embassy to the King's Hospital, sponsored by the Czech medical company Linet, one of the agencies of Experia Healthcare Systems.

Mr. Kotsky expressed the Czech Republic's interest and care in the health sector, which would increase the level and quality of the medical services for patients, which would increase the hospital's capacity to receive more numbers of people in need for health care, especially Syrian refugees. The grant was given specifically to provide the intensive care department, maternity department, and the rest of the hospital departments with ward beds.

In turn, Al-Ghazou welcomed the visit and the generous grant presented by His Excellency the Ambassador, stressing the importance of this grant in improving the quality of services provided to patients. He also referred to the depth of the relations between the two countries, and thanked His Excellency the Ambassador for this interest and cooperation.

For its part, the Czech company Linet has played a great role in following up the grant in order to raise the level of medical service that patients receive in the hospital. In addition to the important role that was made by Experia Healthcare Systems in grant supervision and installation in various departments.

While the ambassador took a tour in the departments covered by the grant to see the quality of services there and in the hospital in general.